So Many of us are stressed, life appears to be very stressful and all ages seem to be experiencing stress...
Sound Therapy with Healing Sound of Chakra Tuning Forks, instantaneously reduces stress,no need to talk just allow the healing vibrations to harmonies with your own resonant frequencies, the overtones created by playing the tuning forks together of the body, help you relax and centre yourself. Each interval relates to a different state of consciousness and affects your nervous system in a different way by harmonising your own body rhythms.
These powerful healing tools can bring a positive major shift in and around the body, unblocking and releasing many types of stress on all levels, bringing the body back to an harmonic resonance pattern, stimulating Self-Healing.
Imagine that the whole universe, everything we know, including cars, computers, airplanes, houses, buildings, lakes, oceans, continents, our bones, flesh, and nerves is a fountain of dream images generated and sustained by a submerged sound. Further imagine that everything we do and think, whether good or bad, moral or immoral is an attempt to seek out and merge with that sound. Our goal is to return to the source of the fountain. Although we may identify with the object of value, i.e., a man or woman, a car, etc., the real attraction is the resonance we experience when in the presence of that person or thing. The experience vibrates us like a tuning fork and becomes a sonic homing buoy confirming our inner journey.
Further imagine that you are a being of Sound composed of many tones. Your shape, movements, desires, and motivations, come from an inner concert. Everything you know and feel is Sound. Your concert is everywhere. When you dance, your body organs will make sounds and your muscles will play the correct tones. Your voice will sing praises, and the stars will shine upon you."
from the book Human Tuning, Sound Healing with Tuning Forks, by John Beaulieu