Raku Ceramic bowl by Ingrid

Raku Ceramic bowl by Ingrid

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Stress and Sound

So Many of us are stressed, life appears to be very stressful and all ages seem to be experiencing stress...
Sound Therapy with Healing Sound of Chakra Tuning Forks, instantaneously reduces stress,no need to talk just allow the healing vibrations to harmonies with your own resonant frequencies, the overtones created by playing the tuning forks together of the body, help you relax and centre yourself. Each interval relates to a different state of consciousness and affects your nervous system in a different way by harmonising your own body rhythms.
These powerful healing tools can bring a positive major shift in and around the body, unblocking and releasing many types of stress on all levels, bringing the body back to an harmonic resonance pattern, stimulating Self-Healing.

Imagine that the whole universe, everything we know, including cars, computers, airplanes, houses, buildings, lakes, oceans, continents, our bones, flesh, and nerves is a fountain of dream images generated and sustained by a submerged sound. Further imagine that everything we do and think, whether good or bad, moral or immoral is an attempt to seek out and merge with that sound. Our goal is to return to the source of the fountain. Although we may identify with the object of value, i.e., a man or woman, a car, etc., the real attraction is the resonance we experience when in the presence of that person or thing. The experience vibrates us like a tuning fork and becomes a sonic homing buoy confirming our inner journey.
Further imagine that you are a being of Sound composed of many tones. Your shape, movements, desires, and motivations, come from an inner concert. Everything you know and feel is Sound. Your concert is everywhere. When you dance, your body organs will make sounds and your muscles will play the correct tones. Your voice will sing praises, and the stars will shine upon you."
from the book Human Tuning, Sound Healing with Tuning Forks, by John Beaulieu

Sunday, 5 December 2010


Channelled by "White Bull"
when you are in control of your energies
when nothing can take from you
when there is no fear
when anything is possible<>

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Sound, the healing sound of chakra tuning forks

Today I will share some of what I do with you.
I am aware that working with tuning forks is not the run of the mill tool, and therefore I better explain just a little of the benefits.

We all know about being out of tune, the Radio station does not play good sounds if its not in tune, our cars don't run at their most efficient potential when not tuned.
An instrument needs to be tuned before it releases its best sound to its player, and so as you can see what I am getting at, we don't really work at our best when we are not in tune.

These chakra tuning forks are a very helpfull tool to tune your energy back to its original vibration, so you can function at your most efficient and full potential. The resonant frequenzies of the tuning forks when played over the body will resonate with your own energy frequenzies and bring it back into harmony.

Simply have yourself a brief body tuning, or come for a whole session experiencing the wonders of sound played over your body, releasing pain, relaxing you on a deep level, clearing your mind, releasing stress and just making you feel 10 feet tall, walking on clouds, not able to wipe the grin off your face.
It makes you feel good, makes you feel alive, and in love with life, can you afford not to give it a go?

You can listen to my CD and download it when you look on my www.cosoyo.co.uk, or just purchase it from me direct.
Something for you to think about:"When you don't see the future anymore, you release the past, and awaken in peace in the present" Janakananda
Love and Light

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Digging deep!

Lately, I have had a number of conversations, with clients and friends, all very much on the same theme.
The theme being, we are at this time it 'seems' to me being confronted with our true underlying issues for the lessons we are here to learn.
How do we deal and find answers with those very "difficult" seeming issues, those issues, if not looked at with honesty and true desire for change, will cause pain in our bodies, dis-ease and leaves us to succumbing to illness.
How and were to find answers?
Deep humility and total trust in the process of life, trusting in that deep resource that we all sometimes manage to connect to, here the answers will be found.
These are testing times, asking you to dig deepe into the depth of yourself to reveal your inner resources, so you can come back to your true harmonic resonance! Enjoy!

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Hung(a)ry Teeth

I have just returned from a trip to Hungary. Stayed in a place called Heviz. It is famous for the second biggest natural Thermal Lake in the world. That was a side attraction, I really went to have my teeth sorted...I am still suffering from the shock of having all the top ones filed down, so they can be replaced with crowns, I am not just a princess, I am a 'crown' Princess. So half is done the other have get's done in September, when I am to receive my cirkonian crown teeth. Moral of the story, "look after your teeth".

Friday, 4 June 2010

You must be the change you wish to see in this world

No good complaining, moaning about what the world is coming to. You are part of the world you see and how you react to it is your way of creating peace in it.
So, complaining does not create peace!
So what does?
Forgivness, unconditional Love, all those being judged by you deserve your unconditional love. Now things can change for the better, try it it takes as much energy to be positive as negative so be positive." Simple's"

Monday, 10 May 2010

Ready, steady, goooooo

I am a first time blogger, and I beg you to be patient with me.
I want to share with you the reason why I finally start blogging.
That time is NOW, is very much what life has shown me, to be patient and wait, because when the time is right things that you have waited for, are suddenly happening. They are happening in such a way that you could not have arranged yourself.
Now seize the opportunities, that did not seem possible last month or last year, when you where waiting in the wings for things to happen, but did not.
Just saying it will happen, no matter how long we have to wait at times, and as we know the saying it never rains but it pours...
Now be ready and willing to deal with the exitement and sometimes the shock of good things falling into your lap, and act upon it coming from that peacful balanced place within...
For me quite a few challenges here, but than the mind cuts in and allows you some breathing space, it is not all happening at the same time, and time will show you how to deal with it all...
Be happy NOW...